CDBG Resources and Trainings

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Wisconsin CDBG Progra​m:

​​​​​​CDBG Program Brochure

Administrative Rule (ADM) 93-Community and Economic Development


DEHCR Policies and Procedures​

Fair Housi​ng Plan

Monitoring Plan

Program Year 2014 Awards

Program Year 2015 Awards

Program Year 2016 Awards

Program Year 2017 Awards

Program Year 2018 Awards 

Program Year 2019 Awards

Program Year 2020 Awards

Program Year 2021 Awards

Program Year 2022 Awards

Program Year 2023 Awards​​​

General Resources

Environmental Review​ Manual

CDBG Data Report

Section 3 Employee Income Cer​​tification Form​​​​

HUD Resources

Housing and Urba​n Development (HUD)​​

Titl​​e 24​

CPD Income Eligibility Calculator​

Housing Resources

Application Attachm​ents

​Authorizing Resolution to Submit CDBG Application

Authorizing Resolution to Commit Match & Certification of Match Secured​

Citizen Participation Plan Adopting Resolution

Citizen Participation Plan​

Citizen Participation Public Hearing Notice​

Citizen Participation Public Hearing Certification

Detailed Project Cost Estimate (Sample)​​​

Fair Housing Ordinance Adopting Resolution

Fair Housing Ordinance

Nonviolent Civil Rights Demonstration Policy-Adopting Resolution

Project Budget and Matching Funds Form​​

Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan (RADRAP)

Slum and Blight Certification

Application Attachments (applicable to CV, DR, ED, and PFED only)

Acquisition/Relocation/Demolition Questionnaire

Lobbying Certification

Potential Fair Housing Actions

Service Area Demographic Profile Form

Statement of Assurances​​​