CDBG Training and Technical Assistance

​​​​​​CDBG-Public Facilities (PF) & Planning (PLNG)​ Application Training

Application Training for the CDBG Planning (CDBG-PLNG) Program and competitive CDBG Public Facilities (CDBG-PF) Program is held each year and offers potential applicants guidance and instructions in writing grant applications.  Participating in the training session is not required to submit an application but is highly recommended for units of general local government (UGLGs) and consultants interested in submitting a CDBG-PLNG and/or competitive CDBG-PF application.

The 2024 CDBG-PF & CDBG-PLNG Application Training was held via webinar on ​January 24, 2024.  The training materials are linked below for reference​.​

2024 CDBG-PF/CDBG-PLNG Training Agenda​​

2024 CDBG-PF/CDBG-PLNG Application Training Presentation Slides

​​2024 CDBG-PF/CDBG-PLNG Application Training Presentation Webinar Recording​

​Also refer to the CDBG-PF Program and CDBG-PLNG Program websites for guidance and applicatio​n materials.

CDBG Implementation Training

Implementation Training is held each year for grantees awarded CDBG funds and their ​grant administrators.  It is designed to provide guidance on implementing the project for which the CDBG award was made, including the applicable policies, regulations, processes, procedures, and reporting requirements.  

The 2023 CDBG Implementation Training was held on September 14, 2023 via webinar.  The training materials are linked below for reference.  

2023 CDBG Implementation Training Agenda (includes chapter start times on recordings)​​​​

2023 CDBG Implementation Training presentation slides (rev​ised)​

CDBG Implementation Traini​ng Par​t 1 webinar recording

CDBG Implementation Training Part 2 we​binar recording

​Also refer to the CDBG Implementation Handbook for guidance.

Environmental Review Training​​

An Environmental Review must be completed for all CDBG projects.  An Environmental Review Training was held via webinar on January 25, 2024.  ​The training materials are linked below for reference. ​

​​Environmental Review Training Presentation Slides

Environmental Review Training Presentation Webinar Recording


Also refer to Chapter 4: Environmental Review on the CDBG Implementation Handbook website for guidance.

Grant Admin​istr​ator Training

File Organization & Monitoring (Prep)

Also refer to ​Chapter 2: Administrative Requirements on the CDBG Implementation Handbook website for guidance. 

Labor Standards Trainings

​What Are Labor Standards and Why Are They Important?

Pre-Construction Requirements​

Labor Standards Compliance Monitoring Training

Labor Standards Compliance Monitoring Training was held via webinar on June 9, 2021.  This training is relevant ​for current grantee representatives (Grant Administrators and Labor Standards Compliance Officers (LSOs)) for CDBG projects involving construction activities subject to feder​al labor standards.  Training topics include: Contractor Certified Weekly Payroll Records, Employee Job Classifications, Federal Wage Rates Compliance, Fringe Benefits Compensation Compliance, Wage Deductions Compliance, Work Site Monitoring, and Employee Interviews.  The training materials are linked below for reference:​

​​Labor Standards Compliance Monitoring Training Announcement

Labor Standards Compliance Monitoring Training Presentation Slides

Labor Standards Compliance Monitoring Training Webinar Recording

U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) Davis-Bacon/Prevailing Wage Training Resources

Also refer to Chapter 7: Labor Standards on the CDBG Implementation Handbook website for guidance.