CDBG CV Emergency Assistance

​​​​​The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (Pub. L. 116–136) (CARES Act) was signed into legislation on March 27, 2020. The CARES Act made available $5 billion in CDBG coronavirus response (CDBG CV) funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus principally for the benefit of persons of low and moderate income. 

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers the CDBG Program, which is governed by Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended and federal regulations at 24 CFR 570.480-497 (Subpart I). The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 authorized states to administer the CDBG program.​​

There will be one round of CDBG CV funding for emergency assistance, in which funds may be used for rent and/or utility assistance, emergency shelter operations, and motel/hotel vouchers. All funds must be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus. 

Local units of gove​​rnment, community action agencies, private nonprofit organizations, and organizations operated for profit​ are eligible to apply. CDBG CV funding may not be used in HUD entitlement areas, which include the cities of Appleton, Beloit, Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Neenah, Oshkosh, Racine, Sheboygan, Superior, Wausau, Wauwatosa, and West Allis as well as Dane, Milwaukee, and Waukesha counties.  ​​​​

CDBG CV Application​ - DUE December 2​nd, 2024

CDBG CV Emergency Assistance Grantees

Program Forms

CDBG CV Program Manual

Client File Checklist

Duplication of Benefits and Subrogation Agreement

Lead-Based Paint Visual Inspection Form

Environmental Review Exemption Form

Financial Certification of Completion



Contact Information

​Questions about the CDBG CV program can be directed to Sarah Isaak (Grants Specialist-Adv) at:​

Telephone: (608) 261-6256
Mailing Address: Department of Administration
                                 Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources
                                 P.O. Box 7970
                                 Madison, WI 53707-7970​

A list of supportive housing services by county can be found on this website at What Assistance is Availble to Me?

If you have questions about supportive housing services (such as emergency shelter or rental assistance) for yourself or someone else, email ​