HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP)

​​The HOME-American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP) was appropriated under section 3205 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Congress appropriated $5 billion in ARP funds to be administered through HOME to develop affordable rental housing and expand supportive services.  HOME-ARP is focused on assisting people experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations.  Funds are available until 2030 or until fully spent.  Applications for affordable rental housing development are being accepted on a rolling basis.  Applications for supportive services are accepted on an annual basis.

​​If you or someone you know is looking for help, please visit the What Assistance Is Available to Me? section of this site for a list of programs, services, and assistance available by county.  If you have further questions, please contact DOASupportiveHousing@wisconsin.gov.

Wisconsin's HOME-ARP Allocation Plan

The State of Wisconsin is utilizing its HOME-ARP award to support the following activities:​​

​Funding Amount
Supportive Services
​Development of Affordable Rental Housing
​Non-Profit Operating*
​Non-Profit Capacity Building*
​Administration and Planning
​Total HOME-ARP Allocation

​*Non-Profit Operating and Non-Profit Capacity Building funds are only available in connection with an Affordable Rental Housing Development project.  They will not be awarded independently.

Service Area Supported

The State's HOME-ARP funds are limited to supporting activity in the cream area on the map.  Areas in blue are supported by HOME Participating Jurisdiction Cities or Consortia (details below).

state map.png

Qualifying Populations (QPs)

HOME-ARP is focused on assisting households/qualified populations (QPs) experiencing:

  • QP1: Homelessness 
  • QP2: At-Risk of Homelessness
  • QP3: Fleeing Domestic Violence
  • QP4: Other Populations (Housing Instability) 

Award recipients can prioritize serving QP1, QP2, or QP3 but it is not a requirement.  Further, they are required to serve all QPs as program capacity allows.  More details can be found in the HOME-ARP Qualifying Populations At A Glance document.

HOME-ARP Rental H​​ousi​​ng Development (RHD)

HOME-ARP can only fund the development of units that are reserved for HOME-ARP qualifying populations (QPs) or low-income households (households with incomes less than 80% area median income (AMI)).  Common spaces cannot be supported.  HOME-ARP is awarded as a grant to the owner of the RHD project and can cover costs such as:

  • Development hard costs (construction, rehabilitation)
  • Acquisition (of improved or unimproved real property)
  • Related soft costs
  • Relocation costs
  • Operating assistance costs
  • Capitalized operating reserves (limited availability)

Eligible housing types include permanent multi-family housing and single-room occupancy (SRO) units.  Ineligible housing types include congregate and non-congregate shelter, nursing homes, residential treatment facilities and housing for students.  To be eligible, projects need to have a minimum of four HOME-ARP funded units.  The compliance period is 15-years.  Unit mix requirements include:

  • 70% or more targeted to qualified populations (QPs)
  • 30% or less targeted to low-income households (making 80% or less of County Median Income (CMI))
  • 50% must be set aside for households making 30% or less of CMI  
  • 50% visitable

Eligible applicants include private/not-for-profit organizations, local governments (county, village, city, town), federally recognized American Indian Tribes or Bands in the State of Wisconsin, public housing authorities, and for-profit developers.

Non-Profit Operating and Non-Profit Capacity Building can be awarded in conjunction with RHD projects.  More information is provided in the next section.

Rental Housing Development Overview Presentation

Progra​​​m​​​ ​​Manual


HOME-ARP RHD applications are being accepted on a rolling basis.  If your organization is interested in applying, please contact the Grant Specialist (contact information below).

HOME-ARP ​​Non-Profit Operating and Cap​​acity Building

Non-Profit Operating and Capacity Building applications can only be submitted in connection with a HOME-ARP RHD application.  The maximum combined award (Non-Profit Operating and Capacity Building) is $75,000 per year.  Up to $50,000 can be requested in one type of fund, with the remaining $25,000 requested in the other type of fund.  If only requesting one type of fund, the maximum award is $50,000 per year.

Program M​anual



HOME-ARP​​​ Sup​portive Services

Supportive Services applications are accepted on a yearly basis.  HOME-ARP can fund a wide range of supportive services targeted to qualified populations (QPs) including: 

  • Benefits/services navigation
  • Case management
  • Childcare
  • Education services (health education, GED, tutoring)
  • Job training (instructional materials, job coaching, structured job skills)
  • Housing counseling services 
  • Legal services
  • Landlord/tenant liaison services/mediation
  • Rental assistance (security deposit, arrears)
  • Utility assistance (deposits, arrears)

Eligible applicants include private/not-for-profit organizations, local governments (county, village, city, town), federally recognized American Indian Tribes or Bands in the State of Wisconsin, and public housing authorities.

Program Manual


The application for grant year 2025 (July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026) is now open and is due at 11:59PM CST on April 1, 2025 to DOASupportiveHousing@wisconsin.gov.  The minimum award is $50,000 and the maximum award is $250,000.

HOME-ARP Expanded Coordinated Entry

​​The HOME-ARP Expanded Coordinated Entry (ECE) applications are also open and are due at 11:59PM CST on April 1, 2025 to DOASupportiveHousing.wisconsin.gov.  There is one application for January 1, 2025, to June 30, 2025, and another for grant year 2025 (July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026)​​.  Applicant eligibility is limited, please see the application for further information. ​

Refence M​​aterials & Forms

​Allocation Plan & Regulations

Qualifying Populations

Income Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

Rental Housing D​​evelop​ment

Supportive Services​​

No ​Duplication of Benefits Documentation​

Financial Assistance & Documentation​​ Guide

Rental Assistance

Utility Assistance (Stand-Alone Service)


​Contact Information​

All questions on HOME-ARP can b​e directed towards the Grant Specialist, Emily Bourne, at:​



If you or someone you know is looking for help, please visit the What Assistance Is Available to Me? section of this site for a list of programs, services, and assistance available by county.  If you have further questions, please contact DOASupportiveHousing@wisconsin.gov.