If you are in need of assistance from the programs below, please visit the "What assistance is available to me?" page.
Affordable Housing
Homebuyer and Rehabilitation Program (HHR) - provides home purchase assistance and home rehabilitation
Housing Cost Reduction
Initiative (HCRI)- provides housing assistance to households seeking to own decent, safe, affordable housing
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)- provides
assistance to acquire and redevelop foreclosed properties that might otherwise become sources of abandonment and blight within their communities
Rental Housing Development Program (RHD) - provides funds to develop affordable rental housing
Small Cities Housing and Revolving Loan Program (CDBG) - provides grants to general purpose units of local government for housing programs which principally benefit low to moderate income (LMI) households
Veterans Rental Assistance Program (VRAP) - provides rental assistance for veterans who are struggling.
Wisconsin Emergency Rental Assistance Program (WERA) - provides rental and utility assistance
Wisconsin Help for Homeowners Program (WHH) - provides assistance for mortgage and tax payments, refinancing, homeowner's insurance, and utilities
Supportive Housing
Critical Assistance Program (CA) - provides direct emergency financial assistance to prevent homelessness for renters and homeowners
Emergency Solutions, Housing Assistance, and Homeless Prevention Programs (EHH) - provides emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, and housing assistance for homeless individuals and families
Employment Grants Program - connects homeless individuals with permanent employment
Fair Housing - provides services to assist with fair housing discrimination complaints
HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) - provides funds to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability through affordable unit development, supportive services, tenant-based rental assistance, and non-profit operating assistance
Homeless Case Management Services Grant (HCMS) - provides intensive case management services for people experiencing homelessness
Housing Opportunities For Persons With AIDS Program (HOPWA) - provides housing assistance and related supportive services for persons with HIV/AIDS
Interest Bearing Real Estate Trust Accounts (IBRETA) - interest-bearing real estate trust accounts for the deposit of all down payments, earnest money and other trust funds received by the broker and related to the conveyance of real estate
Landlord Tenant Fund - landlords are directed to send the net proceeds from the sale of a tenant's personal property to the Department of Administration
Recovery Voucher Grant Program (RV) - provides housing in DHS recognized recovery residences for people experiencing homelessness with an opioid use disorder (OUD) diagnosis or who have received treatment for OUD within the past 12-months
State Shelter Subsidy Grant Program (SSSG) - provides funds for emergency shelters
for people experiencing homelessness
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program (TBRA) - provides rental and utility assistance for people that are homeless or at risk of homelessness