HE+ Program Services

​​​HE+ HVAC Program Services​​​​​​​​

HE+ HVAC Program Services is a year-round program that provides assistance to eligible Wisconsin households when their primary heating system no longer provides heat, is inoperable or becomes unsafe. 

Local Weatherization agencies are responsible for managing program delivery and invoicing for payment of completed work. The Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) Agency verifies applicant and program eligibility when completing the referral to the Weatherization Agency. 

WHEAP and Weatherization agencies work cooperatively to ensure program goals and requirements are met while providing timely delivery of service. All other applicable WHEAP and Weatherization program requirements apply. 

HE+ HVAC Program Services provided to an eligible household will never result in a property lien or charge to the customer unless fraud is substantiated.

HE+ Water Conservation Program Services

HE+ Water Conservatio​n Program Services is a year-round program that provides assistance to eligible Wisconsin households with the repair or replacement of leaky or non-working water heaters, leaky fixtures, toilets and/or piping. 

HE+ Water Conservation Program Services are funded by Public Benefits and eligible customers need to live in the territory of a participating public benefit utility. ​

Manual and Forms

PY25 HE+ Program Services Manual Summary of Changes

PY24 HE+ Program Services Manual-Revised 5-24

PY24 HE+ Program Services Manual Summary of Changes-Revised 5-24


Home Energy Plus Training & Technical Assistance Website​

​​   HE+ Program Services