Homeless Case Management Services Grant​ (HCMS)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Program Overview

The Homeless Case Management Services (HCMS) grant program was created through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant program and through Wisconsin Act 59 (statue §16.3085).  As such, all funding provided via the grant is subject to TANF rules and regulations.  The grant centers on providing families experiencing homelessness intensive case management services across four focus areas.  Each year up to 10 annual grants of $50,000 each will be awarded.

Client Eligibility​

For a client to be eligible for the HCMS program, they must meet ​both the following criteria:

  1. Be staying in an emergency shelter or motel through a motel voucher program; AND
  2. Meet an eligible TANF definition of family, categories 1-4, listed below:
    1. ​Homeless individuals accompanied by minor children (under age 18 for whom the homeless individuals are legally responsible, or under 19 but a full-time student in high school, working on an equivalency degree, or enrolled in basic vocational or technical education).
    2. Homeless pregnant individuals.
    3. Homeless individuals, unaccompanied by children, who are non-custodial parents of children under the age of 18.
    4. ​Homeless individuals who are younger than age 25 and accompanied by another person related by blood or marriage.

Please note, families headed by a person under 18 can be served.  Priority is given to servicing the first two types of families, however all families as defined above can be served.  ​

Intensive Case Management Services Focus Areas

Families entered into the HCMS program must be provided intensive case management services focusing on at least one of the following areas:

  1. ​Financial management.

  2. Employment.

  3. Ensuring school continuation for children.

  4. Enrolling unemployed or underemployed parents in W-2 or the Food Share employment and training program.

If the intensive case management provided to a household does not cover one of the above four areas, the case management cannot be billed to the HCMS grant.  However, once case management covering one or more of the above four areas has been provided, additional case ​management areas beyond the ones above can be billed to the HCMS program.  Assessment alone doesn’t qualify as having provided intensive case management.

Eligible Activities & Costs

Eligible activities and funds to cover them are divided into two categories: case management and administrative.  Administrative funds can be 0% to 15% of the total grant with the balance being case management funds.  

Case Man​​​​agement

Case management funding should be used for social workers, case managers and associated case management services needed to directly provide intensive case management, inclusive of one or more of the four focus areas, to eligible families experiencing homelessness.


Can pay for administrative costs such as, but not limited to, the cost of office space, computers, office supplies, and salaries for agency-wide functions such as accounting.  Capital expenditures cannot be charged to the HCMS program.  ​Pleas​​e note these costs will need to be prorated to reflect the percentage of the staff person's time or the percentage of the resource dedicated to the HCMS program.  

The percentage allocation between case management funds and administrative funds will be specified in the grantee's contract. 

Applicant Eligibility

Eligible applicants are limited to shelter facilities and motel voucher programs housing families experiencing homelessness.  Further, to be eligible, applicants are required to use either the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database or an HMIS comparable database. 

Program Manual

Further information and guidelines on the HCMS grant program can be found in the​ 2024 HCMS Program Manual.

Application Materials & Timing

Applications for t​​he 2​024 grant year (performance period July 1, 2024, to June 30,​ 2025) were opened on March 11, 2024 and closed April 19, 2024.  ​

​HCMS Grant Recipients

A list of the 10 2024 HCMS grantees and award amounts can be found here: 2024 HCMS Grantees and Award Amounts.

​A list of the grantees' client referral contacts, program managers and counties served can be found here: 2024 HCMS Grante​es Contact List.​

​Helpful Links, Resources & Tools

​Contact Information

All questions on the HCMS grant can b​e directed towards the Grant Specialist, Emily​​ Bourne, at:​



If you or someone you know is looking for help, please visit the What Assistance Is Available to Me?​ section of this site for a list of programs, services, and assistance available by county.  If you have further questions, please contact DOASupportiveHousing@wisconsin.gov​.