Wisconsin Consolidated Plan

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​2020-2024 Consolidated Plan​

​The Department of Administration's 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan will guide the distribution of federal and state dollars for a variety of housing, community, and economic development programs. This 5-year expenditure plan encompasses five HUD-funded formula programs ​and four state-funded programs that are targeted to assist low- and moderate-income Wisconsin residents.  The HUD-funded programs include the Community Development Block Grant Program - Small Cities, HOME Investment Partnership Program, Emergency Shelter Grants, Housing Trust Fund and the Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids programs.  The state-funded programs include the Housing Assistance Program, State Shelter Subsidy Grant Program, Housing Cost Reduction Initiative, and the Homeless Prevention Program.

Previous Consolidated Plans:


Upcoming Consolidated Plan:


For over 25 years, the State has directed millions of dollars to local units of government, businesses, organizations, and individuals throughout the state to assist with critical​​ needs. These funds have assisted in financing business start-ups and expansions, water and sewer projects, community facilities, new industrial parks and brow​nsfield redevelopment. The State has also funded projects and ac​​tivities that expand affordable housing opportunities and providing services to our homeless and special needs citizens.

​​The Consolidated Plan Executive Summaries provide overviews of the 5-Year Plan and Annual updates. The Consolidated Annual Performance Report (CAPER) provides an overview of the accomplishments for the previous program year.


***2023  Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report - Public Hearing***

The Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) will hold an in-person public hearing with a telephonic option on Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. for input regarding the 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report covering the period of April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024.  The report summarizes the state's housing and community development activities under the fourth year of its 5-year Consolidated ​Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs.  It includes information on federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for affordable and emergency housing, public facilities, and economic development.  

A copy of the draft 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report, is available below or in person at the Division office. ​

PY 23 CAPER - DRAFT for Public Hearing ​

CDBG Performance Evaluation Report (PER) - DRAFT for Public Hearing

​All comments received during the comment period will considered as the Division prepares the final 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report​ document for submission.  A summary of the comments, both those accepted and those rejected, will be ​attached to the final document prior to submission to HUD for approval.  The deadline for written comments is 4:00 p.m. June 12th, 2024.​  

***2024 Annual Action Plan - Public Hearing***

The Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) will hold an in-person public hearing with a telephonic option for input regarding the State of Wisconsin's proposed 2024 Annual Action Plan covering the period of April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025 on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Wisconsin Department of Administration, 101 E. Wilson St., Madison, WI 53707. Those wishing to attend telephonically shall call in to (608) 571-2209 and input passcode: 120049172#  The 2024 Annual Action Plan defines how the State will distribute federal housing and community development grant funds to local governments, public and private organizations, and businesses. ​

Starting June 5, 2024, a copy of the proposed 2024 Annual Act​ion Plan, may be found below or in person at the Division office.

PY 24 Annual Action Plan - DRAFT for Public Hearing

​​All comments received during the comment period will be considered as the Division prepares the final 2024 Annual Action Plan document for submission to HUD.  A summary of the comments, both those accepted and those rejected, will be ​attached to the final document prior to submission to HUD for approval.  The deadline for written comments is 4:00 p.m. July 6th, 2024.​  


*** Preservation and Reinvestment for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Application- Public Comment Closed***

The Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) held an in-person public hearing with a telephonic option for input regarding the State of Wisconsin's application for Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) funding on Thursday May 16, 2024 at the Wisconsin Department of Administration, 101 E. Wilson Street, Madison, WI  53707. 

The Public Hearing marked the start of the 15-day comment period. The deadline for written comments was 4:30 p.m. on May 31, 2024.

Starting May 16, 2024, a copy of the draft PRICE will be published here:

DRAFT PRICE Application - For Public Hearing

For additional information, comments or accommodations, please contact:

Landon Williams
Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources
Department of Administration
P. O. Box 7970, Madison, WI  53707-7970
Phone: (608) 267-9376
Fax: (608) 266-5381
Email:  LandonT.Williams@wisconsin.gov


*** Substantial Amendment #2 to the 2021 Annual Action Plan - Approved by HUD***

The Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) held an in-person public hearing with a telephonic option for input regarding its Substantial Amendment #2 to Program Year 2021 Annual Action Plan to the State's 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. The Substantial Amendment makes technical changes to the current HUD-approved Plan which the State utilizes to administer additional HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds appropriated to the State under the American Rescue Plan Act, 2021.

A copy of the approved Substantial Amendment #2, may be found at the link below or in person at the Division office.

Substantial Amendment #2 - Approved by HUD

All comments received during the comment period were considered as the Division prepared the fin​al Substantial Amendment #2 document for submission.  A summary of the comments, both those accepted and those rejected, were ​attached to the final document prior to submission to HUD for approval.  The deadline for written comments wass 4:00 p.m. September 17th, 2023.​  

***2023 Annual Action Plan - Approved by HUD***

The public comment period for the 2023 Annual Action Plan covering the period of April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024 is now closed. The 2023 Annual Action Plan defines how the State will distribute federal housing and community development grant funds to local governments, public and private organizations, and businesses. 

A copy of the approved 2023 Annual Action Plan, may be found at the link below or in person at the Division office.

PY 2023 Annual Action Plan - Approved by HUD

All comments received during the comment period were considered as the Division prepared the final 2023 Annual Action Plan document for submission.  A summary of the comments, both those accepted and those rejected, were ​attached to the final document prior to submission to HUD for approval.  The deadline for written comments wass 4:00 p.m. July 10th, 2023.​  


***2022  Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report - Approved by HUD***

HUD has approved the 2022 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report covering the period of April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023.  The report summarizes the state's housing and community development activities under the third year of its 5-year Consolidated ​Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs.  It includes information on federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for affordable and emergency housing, public facilities, and economic development.  

A copy of the approved 2022 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report, may be found at the link below or in person at the Division office. ​ ​

 PY22 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report - Approved by HUD

​All comments received during the comment period were considered as the Division prepared the final 2022 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report​ document for submission.  A summary of the comments, both those accepted and those rejected, were ​attached to the final document prior to submission to HUD for approval.  The deadline for written comments wass 4:00 p.m. June 11th, 2023.​  

***Re-Allocated ESG-CV Funds to State of Wisconsin - Plan Update***

HUD has awarded the State a total of $173,646.87 in Emergency Solutions Grant - Coronavirus (ESG-CV) funds which were re-allocated from previous recipients.  The State modified its 2019 Annual Action Plan to identify activities that will be undertaken with the re-allocated funds. This was done in accordance with HUD's instructions.  The 2019 Annual Action Plan defines how the State will distribute federal grant funds to local governments, public and private organizations, and businesses. 

No Public Hearing was required.

A copy of the modifed 2019 Annual Action Plan, may be found at the link below or in person at the Division office. ​​

PY19 Annual Action Plan- ESG-CV 


***2022 Annual Action Plan- Approved by HUD***

HUD has approved the 2022 Annual Action Plan covering the period of April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023. The 2022 Annual Action Plan defines how the State will distribute federal grant funds to local governments, public and private organizations, and businesses. 

The Public Hearing for input regarding the 2022 Annual Action Plan was held telephonically from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on July 5th, 2022.

A copy of the approved 2022 Annual Action Plan, may be found at the link below or in person at the Division office. ​​

​PY22 Annual Action Plan-Approved

​​All comments received during the comment period were considered as the Division prepared the final 2022 Annual Action Plan​ for submission.  A summary of the comments, both those accepted and those rejected, were ​attached to the final document prior to submission to HUD for approval.  The deadline for written comments ​was 4:00 p.m. August 5th, 2022.​


***2021  Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report - Approved by HUD***

HUD has approved the 2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report covering the period of April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022. The report summarizes the state's housing and community development activities under the second year of its 5-year Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs.  It includes information on federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for affordable and emergency housing, public facilities, and economic development.  

A copy of the approved 2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report, may be found at the link below or in person at the Division office. ​ ​

PY21 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report Approved by HUD

Performance Evaluation Report (PER)

All comments received during the comment period were considered as the Division prepared the 2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report​ document for submission.  A summary of the comments, both those accepted and those rejected, were ​attached to the final document prior to submission to HUD for approval.  The deadline for written comments was 4:00 p.m. June 10th, 2022.​


*** Substantial Amendment #1 to the 2021 Annual Action Plan - Approved by HUD***

HUD has approved the Substantial Amendment #1 to the PY 21Annual Action Plan. The Substantial Amendment will enable the State to receive additional HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds appropriated to the State under the American Rescue Plan Act, 2021.  

The Public Hearing for input regarding the Substantial Amendment #1 was held telephonically from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on May 19th, 2022. 

A copy of the approved Substantial Amendment #1, may be found at the link below or in person at the Division office.​

PY 21 Substantial Amendment 1 - Approved

All comments received during the comment period were considered as the Division prepared the final Substantial Amendment #1 document for submission.  A summary of the comments, both those accepted and those rejected, were ​attached to the final document prior to submission to HUD for approval.  


***2020  Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report -  Approved by HUD***

HUD has approved the 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report covering the period of April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020. The report summarizes the state's housing and community development activities under the first year of its 5-year Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs.  It includes information on federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for affordable and emergency housing, public facilities, and economic development.  

A copy of the approved 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report, may be found at the link below or in person at the Division office. ​

PY 20 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report - Approved

PY 20 Public Comments

All comments received during the comment period were considered as the Division prepared the final 2020 CAPER document for submission.  A summary of the comments, both those accepted and those rejected, will be ​attached to the final document prior to submission to HUD for approval.  The deadline for written comments was 4:00 p.m. June 20th, 2021.​


***2021 Annual Action Plan - Approved by HUD​ ***

HUD has approved the​ the 2021 Annual Action Plan to the State of Wisconsin's 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. Copies are available for review below and at the Department of Administration-Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources (DECHR).  The 2021 Annual Action Plan defines how the State will distribute federal grant funds to local governments, public and private organizations, and businesses. 

On May 14, 2021, HUD notified the State that it had updated the State's CDBG award amount.  The PY 21 Action Plan linked below and available at DEHCR's office reflects the final award amount.​

All comments received during the comment period were considered as the Division prepared the final 2021 Annual Action Plan document for submission.  

2020 - 2024 Consolidated Plan - Approved by HUD

2020 - 2024 Consolidated Plan - Approved by HUD

Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice

Consolidated Plan - Public Hearing

The Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) held a Telephonic Public Hearing to open the public comment period for the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. The 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan defines how the State will distribute federal grant funds to local governments, public and private organizations, and businesses. More than 90% of these funds are U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) formula grants for: Small Cities Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), Housing Trust Fund (HTF) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA).

The Public Hearing starts the 30-day Public Input period. 

The Public Input Session was held on Thursday, November 19th, 2020 telephonically from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  

The deadline for written comments was 4:00 p.m. on December 12, 2020.

This material may be made available in alternative formats for individuals with disabilities upon request by contacting the above individual.  ​

2020 - 2024 Consolidated Plan - DRAFT for Public Comment

Consolidated Plan Public Meeting 

The Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) held planning meetings for the 2020 – 2024 Wisconsin 5-year Consolidated Plan. DEHCR contacted all relevant organizations to provide input. 

DEHCR requested feedback to help us define our goals and the prioritization of the covered funds in the years ahead at the following Public Meetings:​​




August 1, 2019 
​1 PM
​Spooner – City Council Chambers
August 6, 2019 
​1 PM
​Crandon – Public Library 
​August 7, 2019 
​10 AM
​Sevens Point – Public Library
​August 8, 2019
​10 AM
​Platteville – Public Library
​August 14, 2019
​9:30 AM
​Madison – Department of Administration Building (Webinar Also Available) 

​Assessment of Fair Housing Survey

The State of Wisconsin wants to hear about housing and other neighborhood issues such as schools, jobs, transportation, services, and more. We want to know more about what your experience was the last time you looked for housing. Lastly, we want to hear what your needs are and how we can help. Your answers will help shape the State’s future housing and community development plans. All of your answers will be kept confidential. 

Take this survey in English.

Take this survey in Spanish.

Take this survey in Hmong.​

State Consolidated Plan Consistency Certification Documents

Certification of Consistency - Plan Fact Sheet

Certification of Consistency - Project Fact Sheet

HUD form HUD-50077-SL​ (to be completed by DEHCR and returned to each Public Housing Authority)​