2025-2029 Consolidated Plan


Assessment of Fair Housing Survey

As DEHCR begins the process of developing the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, we want to hear about housing and other neighborhood issues such as schools, jobs, transportation, services, and more. We want to know more about what your experience was the last time you looked for housing. Lastly, we want to hear what your needs are and how we can help. Your answers will help shape the State’s future housing and community development plans. All of your answers will be kept confidential. 

Take this survey in English.​ 

Take this survey in Hmong.​

Take this survey in Spanish.​

Public Housing Authority Survey

As DEHCR begins the process of developing the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, we are collecting data to inform the status of public housing in Wisconsin and how DEHCR can partner with PHA's to provide housing to qualifying populations. Lastly, we want to hear what your needs are and how we can help. Your answers will help inform the State’s future housing and community development plans. All of your answers will be kept confidential. 

Take the Public Housing Authority Survey​