EHH Application

​​​​​​​​The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), and Housing Assistance Program (HAP) are collectively referred to as the EHH Program.  ESG is Federally Administered by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  HUD awards ESG funding to the State of Wisconsin, Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources (DEHCR) to distribute to eligible applicants.  HPP and HAP are State of Wisconsin funding sources. The Housing Assistance Program, formerly known as the Transitional Housing Program (THP) was re-named under 2017 Wisconsin Act 59.

ESG and HPP funding are combined and allocated to one lead applicant in each HUD-recognized COC or local homeless coalition.  The lead applicant and subrecipient applicants may apply for this funding under six different project types: administration, emergency shelter, homeless management information systems (HMIS), homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing, and street outreach. Each HUD COC or local homeless coalition decides how to best divide funding between project types and applicants by considering local needs and project performance.
HAP funding is allocated to each of Wisconsin's HUD-recognized COCs. Each COC is responsible for distributing funds to eligible subrecipients through a competitive process.

2024-2025 EHH Application for Funding 

Submit: ONE (1) ELECTRONIC COPY of the application(s) by 11:59 PM on Monday, July 22, 2024 to Applications must be submitted in EXCEL. Attachments should be submitted as PDFs.​ Any questions can be sent to

EHH 2024-2025 Application Instructions

EHH 2024-2025 Funding Allocation Table

EHH 2024-2025 Application_ESG/HPP

EHH 2024-2025 Application_HAP Lead Agency

EHH 2024-2025 Application_HAP Projects

EHH 2024-2025 Application_HMIS Lead Agency

EHH Application Attachments

EHH ESG/HPP Certification

EHH HAP Certification​

EHH Determination of Exemption

EHH Certification of Local Government Approval

ESG Habitability Standards_Shelter