Flexible Facilities Program

The Flexible Facilities Program (FFP) is funded through the U.S. Department of Treasury's Capital Projects Fund (CPF) program, which was established through the American Rescue Plan of 2021, and aims to:

  • Directly support recovery from the COVID-19 public health emergency by strengthening and improving the infrastructure necessary for participation in work, education, and health monitoring th​at will last beyond the pandemic;
  • Enable investments in capital assets designed to address inequities in access to critical services; and
  • Provide the modern infrastructure necessary to access critical services, including a high-quality and affordable broadband internet connection.
The Treasury published the allocations available to eligible entities in August 2021 on the Treasury Capital Projects Fund website.

The State of Wisconsin Department of Administration has been awarded $107 million for the Flexible Facilities Program to provide grants to units of general local government (UGLGs) and tribal governments for the purpose of carrying out critical capital projects directly enabling work, education, and health monitoring in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic public health emergen​cy.  Funding is available for the construction of new or renovation or expansion of existing libraries, community centers, and multi-purpose community facilities that will offer reliable, affordable high speed internet and other digital connectivity technology that will directly enable work, education, and health monitoring, including remote options. The program encourages focusing on economically distressed areas, supporting community empowerment, and adopting strong labor practices.​

​Program Information

​Grant Application & Project Types: Awards will be made through a competitive application process. An application may be submitted under one of the following categories:  

     Category A: New Facility Construction Project; or
     Category B: Existing Facility Renovation or Expansion Project. 

The "Facility" must be a library, community center, and multi-purpose community facility (excluding school facilities).

Eligible Applicants: Units of General Local Government (UGLGs) and Tribal Governments

Minimum Criteria must include all of the following: 

  • The project must include constructing a new or renovating or expanding an existing library, community center, or multi-purpose community facility and 
  • The purchase and/or installation of broadband and/or other digital connectivity technology (e.g., digital connectivity equipment, devices, services) that provide public access to high speed internet and 
  • Directly enable work, education, and health monitoring. 
General construction or improvement of traditional schools is ineligible for this program. 

Eligible Community Facility Examples: Libraries, senior citizen centers, youth centers, general community centers, etc.  

Ineligible Facility Examples: 

  • General construction or improvement of traditional schools; 
  • General public facility​ infrastructure improvement projects (e.g., for streets, utilities, bridges, ports, etc.)

Maximum Number of Projects/Awards per Applicant: 

  • 1 Application per Category; 
  • ​2 Applications total

Maximum Award Amount per Project: $4,250,000

Grantee Implementation/Performance Period: Award Date through​ October 31, 2026

Application & Award Timeline:

Applications are available April 26, 2024. 

Applications are due no later than 2:00 p.m. on ​July 11, 2024.​ 

Awards are anticipated to be made no later than October 1, 2024.

Application Materials:

Flexible Facilities Program Grant Announcement (includes Application Instructions)

Flexible Facilities Program Grant A​pplication​ (Official ​DocuSign Form)

Flexible Facilities Program Grant Application (Courtesy Copy)

Flexible Facilities Program Grant Application Instruction​​s for DocuSign Form

Flexible Facilities Program​​​​ Scoring Rubric​

Flexible Facilities Program Application Attachments:

Project Budget Form (Attachment A)

Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information Form DOA-3027 (Attachment D)

Subrecipient Survey Form (Attachment E)

Applicant 2nd Authorized Representat​ive Signature Form (Attachment F)

​Application Training:

Application Training for the Flexible Facilities Program was held on May 9, 2024 and was intended to offer potential applicants guidance and instructions in writing grant applications. Participating in the training session was not required to submit an application but was highly reco​mmended for units of general local government (UGLGs), t​ribal governments and consultants interested i​n preparing and submitting a Flexible Facilities Program application. The ​training documents may be accessed using the links provided below.

FFP Application Training Agenda​

FFP Application Training Presentation Slides

FFP ​Application Training Presentation Webinar Recording​

Additional Resources:

FFP Project Environmental Report (Template)


Program Email: FlexibleFacilitiesProgram@wisconsin.gov​