CDBG - Economic Development Program (ED)

​​​​​​CDBG-ED grant funds​ are awarded to local governments to assist businesses to create or retain jobs for individuals with low and moderate incomes.  Examples of eligible projects include: business loans to expand facilities or purchase equipment, specialized employee training, or business infrastructure projects. 

How to Apply

A pre-application meeting with DEHCR is required.  The business will work with the Unit of General Local Government (UGLG) to complete the application for the CDBG-ED program.  Typical awards are $7,000-$10,000 per job created or retained, however the amount of funds awarded per job is at the discretion of DEHCR.  At least 51% of the jobs created or retained must be held by low-and moderate-income (LMI) persons.  CDBG-ED applications may be submitted at any time, and are reviewed by DEHCR as they are received.  CDBG-ED funds are awarded throughout the year until funds are no longer available.  Application materials and submission instructions should be carefully reviewed prior to applying for CDBG-ED funds.  If awarded, the CDBG contract will be between DEHCR and the UGLG.  

Review Process

For each Grant Application received, DOA reviews the Application (on a case-by-case basis) to determine the eligibility and​ fundability of the proposed project.  Successful Applications must meet a CDBG National Objective (in accordance with HUD program regulations).  DOA anticipates a minimum 60-day review time period for submitted Applications.  Applications deemed eligible & fundable will be awarded State CDBG-ED funds.

Award Process

Award letters will be issued upon determination of the Communities' (and their respective Businesses') abilities to meet a CDBG National Objective in accordance with HUD program regulations.  The award letter outlines the next steps required to accept & execute a Grant Agreement (i.e. contract) with the State of Wisconsin.

Next Steps & Requirements

Community grant administrators will be required to attend Implementation Training​​

Application Materials

​CDBG-ED Application (PDF)

CDBG-ED Application (Word)​

Refer to the CDBG Resources and Trainings page for additional Application Attachments.

​​Additional Reference Materials

​​Employee Self Certification Forms

​Implementation Handbook

Refer to the CDBG Implementation Handbook for policy guidance for CDBG-ED and other CDBG programs.​

Reporting Requirements​

Refer to the Chapter 9: Reporting of the CDBG Implementation Handbook​ and the “Chapter Attachments/Fillable Forms" section of the CDBG Implementation Handbook​ for reporting requirements and forms for CDBG-ED and other CDBG programs.

​​Training and Technical Assistance​

​CDBG Training and Technical Assistance

Co​ntact Us​​​​​​​

If you have questions about the status of your CDBG application, please contact the Department of Administration's Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) at (608) 266-7531.

General information regarding DEHCR's Bureau of Community Development (BCD), which oversees and manages the CDBG Grants, may be obtained by emailing CDBG-Community ​Development​ or by contacting the BCD Director at (608) 261​-7747.

Mailing Address:
The mailing address is provided below for reference only.  All applications and correspondence should not be mailed.  They are to be emailed to

Wisconsin Dept. of Administration
Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources
Bureau of Community Development
PO Box 7970
Madison, WI 53707-7970