The Community Development Block Grant -Emergency Assistance Program CDBG-EAP is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources (DEHCR) under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. CDBG-EAP funds are used to assist local units of government in addressing emergency housing, public facility, infrastructure, and business assistance needs that occur as a result of natural or manmade disasters. Such assistance may include, but is not limited to: housing rehabilitation, acquisition/demolition, housing replacement, road repairs, storm water drainage and public facilities.
Application Documents
Standard EAP Application
Short Form EAP Application
A local unit of government interested in applying for CDBG-EAP funds must submit a notice of intent to apply within 90 days of the disaster event.
Eligible Activities
CDBG funds must be used for the benefit of low – to moderate- income households/persons. Income information will need to be collected and reviewed to ensure participant eligibility.
CDBG-EAP funds may be used to address damage caused by the disaster, including:
Repair of disaster related damage to the dwelling unit, including repair or replacement of plumbing, heating, and electrical systems.
Acquisition and demolition of dwellings unable to be repaired.
Housing Replacement - in situations where repairs would exceed 50% of the pre-event Fair Market Value
Repairs to public facilities (libraries, village/town halls, wastewater treatment facilities, community and senior centers)
Public Infrastructure (street repairs, sidewalks, sewer, lighting etc.)
Business Assistance (replace equipment , capital to re-open)
CDBG-EAP funds may not be used for:
Repairs or other costs covered by insurance or other federal or state assistance
Replacement of furniture, food, clothing or other personal items
Any repairs not directly related to the disaster
Repairs to State Highways
Income replacement
Note: CDBG-EAP funding cannot address 100% of the expenses related to the recovery efforts.
Information regarding EAP may be obtained by contacting the EAP Program Manager at (608) 266-7531.
CDBG Program Quick Links
Refer to the CDBG Resources and Trainings page for program quick links.